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Posts: 46
Post by Kal on Mar 19, 2005 1:25:48 GMT -5
Aloha HPPOA board members & staff,
On behalf of HPP residents & off-shore owners, I invite you to take part in the HPP forum. Immediate public disclosure is greatly needed for any proposed or passed growth and development issues. Utilizing the HPP forum can be a useful tool. Rather than answering redundant questions from individual property owners, posting on the forum will allow both off-shore owners and residents access to the same information at the same time. Post HPP issues, meetings, replies or your own personal concerns & opinions. This is an important opportunity for HPPOA & staff to let your fellow HPP property owners know you are listening.
Post by cockney on Mar 20, 2005 13:37:52 GMT -5
TEXT We have just purchased our house in HPP. A big eye--sore that truly brings the area down is the amount of old rusted dumped cars in the front of peoples homes. Can anything be done about this? We went to our friends home in Lelani Esates and when we asked why we saw not one dumped car anywhere she replied, 'Because it's not allowed'...All those dumped cars really spoil our 'Paradise', what's wrong with people? Gary/Jean The Two 'Brits'.
Post by James Weatherford on Mar 22, 2005 15:03:53 GMT -5
Aloha Brits,
Good on ya! About the dumped cars. Don't need 'em, can't tolerate 'em. Same goes for the appliances ('fridges, washing machines, etc) that are dumped.) Not allowing them is one thing -- not letting it happen is another. Any suggestions, anybody???
Post by cockney on Mar 22, 2005 21:22:16 GMT -5
Aloha Brits, Good on ya! About the dumped cars. Don't need 'em, can't tolerate 'em. Same goes for the appliances ('fridges, washing machines, etc) that are dumped.) Not allowing them is one thing -- not letting it happen is another. Any suggestions, anybody??? TEXTIn England where we were born a 'scrap merchant' would drive around and collect any metal objects. Surely there is money to be made here or doesn't the Big Island have any scrap merchants??
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Posts: 7
Post by Katie on Mar 22, 2005 23:13:33 GMT -5
Dear HPPOA Board and Staff,
As an HPP owner still living in the "lower 48" for the time being, I would like to add support to Kal's message to you re: using the forum as a way for us to understand what messages are being delivered about the Puna Regional Circulation Plan on our behalf to Townescape, Inc. and the county government.
Can you please share the results of the April 7, 2005, meeting with us and tell us where we stand in regard to Railroad Avenue? 2 lanes or someday 4 lanes? How big will the shoulders be? Railroad itself within HPP, or 16th, or another street? Will Makuu be widened four acres on each side as was proposed in the April 14, 2004, Memorandum #8 of the Puna Regional Circulation Plan?
Also, since HPP is a private subdivision, what is the specific plan for including homeowners, both local and remote, in the decision making process?
I'm sure you understand that for people planning to move to HPP and wondering if the changes will affect our properties, these issues are pretty important.
Mahalo nui for your kokua. Katie
Post by James Weatherford on Mar 23, 2005 1:17:32 GMT -5
Aloha Katie and everyone, Re the Puna Regional Circulation Plan: 1) All info is available at www.hawaii-county.com/info/puna/regcircplan.htm. 2) Residents/owners in HPP have open access to the process -- dates for the upcoming open-to-the-public meetings are on the above website. 3) I became involved because of a newspaper article, and I went to the County Planning Office and said I wanted to be involved. No resistance there. 4) The Memo #8 is about a separate county consideration for expansion of COMMERCIAL zoning -- NOT ROAD WIDENING. 5) 16th street has been discussed for a TWO LANE road, plus a physically separated bus land and a physically separated multipurpose (bike + pedestrian) lane. Some of us on the communit advisory group have been pushing and continue to push for a softening of the approach -- planted buffers, roundabouts, etc. 6) I have written on some issues relating to this and will be glad to share that with anyone. Let me know and we'll figure out how to do that without displaying email addresses to the entire universe.
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Posts: 7
Post by Katie on Mar 23, 2005 2:49:52 GMT -5
Hey James, Thanks, that sounds great. I'd really appreciate it if you kept me in the planning loop by email, and others probably would too. It would be great to read what you've discovered along the way and what the community advisory is advising. If you click on my name you'll get my email address. Mahalo! Katie
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Posts: 46
Post by Kal on Mar 23, 2005 16:59:35 GMT -5
Aloha James etc, Thanks for posting. It's great to read different opinions concerning HPP and its' future. 1) How will off-shore owners opinions & votes on issues be obtained and by what agency? 2) HPP's roads are currently privately owned, how will County roads be implemented into HPP? The new county roads will be maintained by the County, will the remaining HPP roads continue to be maintained by road maintenance fees & the HPPOA? 3) How will road maintenance fees be assessed for HPP property owners who have access off new county roads? 4) How will the County assure public safety with so many private driveways entering a main highway? 5) What are the long range pros & cons when the County steps into HPP? Mahalo
Post by James Weatherford on Mar 23, 2005 18:05:39 GMT -5
I will address these to my limited knowledge, and refer for other points: 1) ... off-shore owners opinions & votes on issues: I WOULD RECOMMEND CONTACTING LARRY BROWN, COUNTY PLANNING DEPT,. 2) ...new county roads maintained by County: YES, CONFIRM WITH LARRY BROWN. ...remaining HPP roads continue to be maintained by road maintenance fees . YES, CHECK WITH HPPOA BOARD TO CONFIRM. 3) ...road maintenance fees assessed for HPP property owners access off new county road: CHECK WITH HPPOA BOARD. 4) ...public safety ... private driveways entering a main highway? ASK LARRY BROWN. ONE OPTION TOSSED OUT IS FOR THE NEW ROAD TO GO ON THE BACK OF LOTS, RATHER THAN DOWN EXISTING HPP STREET, WITH ACCESS ONLY AT HPP PRIMARY ROADS (MAKUU, KALOLI, ETC) AND LOCAL TRAFFIC ON EXISTING STREETS. 5) ...long range pros & cons when the County steps into HPP: HPPOA MAY HAVE A FEW MILES LESS ROAD TO MAINTAIN; THERE MAY BE A DIFFERENT TRAFFIC PATTERN THAT PUTS MORE TRAFFIC ON SOME PARTS OF HPP ROADS AND LESS ON OTHER PARTS.
Post by Shepherd Bliss on Mar 26, 2005 9:17:48 GMT -5
I am glad to see the roads matter being discussed here on the HPP Forum, as it is throughout our community. I am also a member of the Community Advisory Group of the Puna Regional Circulation Plan. I posted a brief overview of my objection to the proposed highway through the middle of HPP under the "Puna District and Hawai'i County Issues" section of this board.
I encourage as many HPP residents as can to become involved in this discussion, expressing different points of view, and working cooperatively toward a solution that benefits HPP. Mahalo, Shepherd Bliss, sb3@pon.net
Post by nellandis on Sept 14, 2006 20:05:20 GMT -5
Hi All. We are new to the forum and going to be new to HPP. We are going to be building this Jan. in HPP on Makuu and 22nd. We want to build our main house and then a guest or ohana house in the back, I heard from a local vendor that for a guest house you can't have a kitchen in it, a covered lanai, and there is a restriction on the square footage. Is all this true and if so where can I get a copy of all of the rules and regulations that go along with building? I looked on the HPP website and didn't see a document on it but I could of missed it. thanks for the info and look forward to living in beautiful HPP.
Post by James Weatherford on Sept 14, 2006 22:19:29 GMT -5
The building code is a county ordinance -- not to be found in HPP site. Go to: www.hawaii-county.com/countycode/chapter05.pdfThis is long and great reading --- if you have insomina ...but, you should find all you ever wanted to know (and other stuff too). ...happy building.
Post by menehune on Mar 13, 2009 13:52:16 GMT -5
I posted this on PUNAWEB but have not really gotten any input - I am going to post this any place I can here to TRY and generate SOMETHING! "I have not been able to make the last two meetings: Board Meeting - 02/18/2009 General Membership - 02/22/2009 Due to a prior commitment - I will miss this one. BUT there is information floating around that is QUITE disturbing! In the minutes of a Special Board meeting February 11th, 2009: www.hawaiianparadisepark.org/Minutes/BODMinutes/July%202008-June%202009/bodfeb09%20special.pdfIt was noted that "The Road Bond" could generate $600,000 for HPP due to it's favorable provisions. But THEN - It was ALSO noted that HPP might be in DEFAULT on "The Road Bond" based on it's 2007/2008 financial report! I was ALSO informed that a NEW budget has been set that literally ELIMINATES purchasing road gravel to maintain the unpaved roads for the next FIVE YEARS! From the HUNDREDS of thousands to just $25,000.00. Due to the need to make payments to "The Road Bond". I thought that the increase in our road fees made the payments for "The Road Bond" and that "The Road Bond" would NOT deplete or affect the general fund? Why do I get the feeling that SOMETHINGS not right? O.K. - my bad - I didn't go to the meetings - but a lot of people didn't. How do we get ANY reliable information about was is going on other than the rumor mill or the minutes of meetings over a month old?" "Each thing I do I rush through so I can do something else" - Cemetery Nights/Stephen Dobyns